How To Forget A Girl

How To Forget A Girl
How To Forget A Girl

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Parting with your girlfriend can be a big blow even for strong men. You can get through this difficult time with less worries if you follow some tips and tricks.

How to forget a girl
How to forget a girl


Step 1

Get rid of her gifts and photos that are in constant visibility. Remove them from prominent places so that memories do not torment you when you look at them. Remove her number from your phone so you won't be tempted to call. Accept the fact that you are no longer together, and accept it.

Step 2

Take a break from bad thoughts. If you have the opportunity, take a trip to another city and have fun. A new place, new acquaintances and experiences will help push her out of her head. If there is no way to travel, just go to the club with your friends.

Step 3

Enjoy the freedom you have received. After the separation, you have a lot of time: spend it on your hobbies and hobbies. Do what you love to get away from bad thoughts.

Step 4

Do not hope for a reunion, do not fall for her messages and friendly calls. Blacklist her on your phone and in other places of your communication, avoid meeting her.

Step 5

Don't settle for being just friends. Thus, she wants to leave you by her side as a fallback, while at this time she will meet with others. Being constantly in her company, continuing to communicate and being jealous of a new guy, you will not be able to forget her and start living on. She, perceiving you as a friend, will involuntarily hurt your feelings and interfere with living her life.

Step 6

Remember not only the good, but also the bad. Relationships are rarely cloudless: remember the problems and unpleasant moments. After the breakup, do not idealize her image, because she had flaws. Focus on the cons, and it will be easier for you to let go of thoughts about her.

Step 7

Meet other girls, flirt, expand your social circle. Surround yourself with attention, again feel loved and needed. Don't think you've lost, but focus on what you can gain. Turn the page and start living on a new sheet.
