A conversation with the opposite sex is always exciting, especially for girls, especially if this is the first date. In an effort to make the impression of an interesting interlocutor, the girls scroll through a bunch of questions and topics in their heads that can be supported in a conversation.

Common interests
Common interests are perhaps the most successful topic of conversation, especially if there are indeed common hobbies. First, the girl should ask the guy what he enjoys and does in his free time. If, for example, he is an avid travel lover and a girl too, then this is just a green light in the development of dialogue. You can discuss who and where went, whether you liked your vacation, share your impressions, show photos. In general, if common interest is found, then, as a rule, there will be no problems with awkward silence.
About myself
In the story about yourself, you need to be careful. Of course, funny incidents from life, happy moments and vivid memories will be appropriate. You can also talk about studies or work, hobbies, hobbies (even if the guy does not share them, he will be interested in learning something new). But you shouldn't go into some details from childhood or impose your problems on a still not quite close guy - this will only scare him away. You also don't need to talk about your past relationships, boyfriends, etc. This topic is just taboo. As well as asking him about past girls. The male sex is much more secretive than the female, and therefore they do not like to share these memories, especially with a stranger. But if he nevertheless told about something of his own, then the girl can only be glad, because this shows that he trusts her. Don't be afraid to ask your guy other questions about his life. This is not only possible, but also necessary. This interest on your part will show him that you are really interested in him.
Movies and music
It's trite, of course, but without talking about films and music - nowhere. It is especially good if tastes in this matter coincide. Then the conversation can go on forever. You can talk about your favorite movie, actor, singer or band. In addition, it is so easy to make an appointment for the next meeting, for example, go to a movie that both would like to see, or to a concert of your favorite band.
This is a typical male theme. Almost every male representative will happily develop it, with perhaps a few exceptions. However, here you also need to be careful: when discussing, for example, football teams, it will be very embarrassing to comment on one of them, when then it suddenly turns out that the guy is a fan of this team. Therefore, in order to avoid such troubles, give the initiative to the young man - he himself will start talking about his sports preferences.