You are in love, and you want your feelings to become mutual. How can this be achieved? There is no magic recipe in the world that will change the attitude of a young man towards you, as if on click. However, you can try to make him interested in your person. Perhaps in the future he will reciprocate you.

Step 1
If you are interested in a young man, you probably know a lot about him. Pay attention to his circle of interests, his hobbies and hobbies. Try to explore what he likes. It's not that difficult if you are in love with this person. Let him know that you are also interested in this topic (it does not matter what it will be - sports, dancing, certain music or cars). Try to ask him questions, get his advice.
Step 2
Do not be too intrusive so that he does not realize that you are really just looking for a clue to him. He needs to see that you are really passionate about what he is.
Step 3
Study his tastes, that is, find out which girls he likes. Such information can be obtained from his friends, classmates or classmates, girlfriends or sister.
Step 4
Become the girl of his dreams! If he likes blondes with long hair and good manners, then get the habits of a true lady, grow your hair and dye it blonde if you naturally have a different shade of hair. If he loves funny girls, laugh, catching his eyes. Especially over his jokes. If most of all he is attracted by glamorous beauties, he will have to become like that. It is unlikely that you will be able to attract attention if you always wear jeans and men's shirts.
Step 5
Hit him. Figure out how to do it, you are a woman. It can be anything. Maybe your comment on how to restore a mahogany chair or an introduction to its idol? You need to impress his imagination, confuse, daze, interest, arouse interest.
Step 6
If you can get his attention, become necessary to him. Help him in his affairs, help with his studies. Do not become his servant, just try to become needed so that he cannot do without you. Do not press on him, do not run after him. Just be there. And at this time you can communicate with him. So that he likes it.
Step 7
The main thing is not to confess your love to him first. In your case, this is tantamount to the complete and inglorious surrender of the fortress. On the contrary, he needs to see that you have fans. Perhaps he will even become jealous. And jealousy is sometimes the source of love.