When composing a children's menu, remember that it should be varied and balanced. The second condition is an original design that can interest the baby. From salads, the child can be offered sweet fruit, vegetable and hot dishes.

Sweet salads
These salads are based on various fruits, juices, yoghurts and curds. For the simplest salad, cut the peach, banana, and sweet apple into cubes. Toss the ingredients with the yogurt and place in a tall salad glass, garnish with whipped cream on top.
For "Sweet" salad, cut 100 g of canned peaches into triangles. Divide the fresh pineapple in two, remove the core and cut into triangular pieces. Combine some of the peach syrup with yogurt and season the salad to taste.
If the baby does not like cottage cheese, which must be included in his diet, offer him the following alternative. Combine 150 g of yogurt with 2 tablespoons of condensed milk and ½ a pack of cottage cheese. Stir the ingredients, add 50 g of chopped walnuts and a handful of raisins.
Salted salads
Vegetable salads for children are not recommended to be seasoned with mayonnaise, give preference to sour cream.
To prepare the "Miracle" salad, put on a round plate 100 g of boiled shrimp, canned peas, boiled sausage and fresh cucumber cut into strips, grated boiled beets, and olive slices. Season the salad with fat sour cream.
The "Sunny Lion" salad will be not only healthy and tasty for the kid, but also interesting. Grate two boiled potatoes on a coarse grater and place on a flat plate, forming the face and mane of a lion. Cover the first layer with sour cream. Cut the boiled meat into strips and place on top. Cover with sour cream. Further, the layers are arranged in the following order: two grated boiled eggs - sour cream - grated cheese - sour cream. Rub boiled carrots and decorate the mane. Cut out the mouth from a piece of sweet pepper, cut out the muzzle and eyes from the protein, the nose from the bread, and the ears and mustache from greens from the yolk.
Older toddlers can take part in the preparation of a salad, such as the "Merry Caterpillar". Boil 10 eggs, separate the yolks from the whites. On a fine grater, grate 100 g of Parmesan cheese. Combine proteins, cheese and a small amount of sour cream, salt and form into balls. Chop the yolks, combine with sour cream and roll into balls. Place the lettuce leaves on a plate to serve as a lawn for the caterpillar. Lay out the balls, alternating them by color. On the last ball, make eyes and antennae-antennae from onions or twigs of greenery. Remember to use fresh ingredients for any toddler salad.