Treatment Of Herpes In Children

Treatment Of Herpes In Children
Treatment Of Herpes In Children

The name "herpes" unites several types of diseases that arise from damage to the body by a specific virus. The treatment process for this disease is different in adults and children. Experts note that only certain types of viral infections are characteristic of childhood. For example, chickenpox, which is also a type of herpes, usually occurs at 3-4 years of age.

Treatment of herpes in children
Treatment of herpes in children

What types of herpes do children have?

Herpes can manifest itself in a child on almost any part of the body and look like isolated ulcers and profuse rashes that resemble an allergic reaction. It will not be difficult for parents to diagnose herpes on the lips or genitals on their own. However, in some cases, it is possible to recognize the cause of skin rashes only on the basis of special tests.

Herpes is an infectious disease that can only be contracted through contact with the virus. Harmful bacteria can even be carried by airborne droplets. Most often, children are at risk of getting herpes when they are in kindergarten or walking in playgrounds.

The use of ointments in the treatment of herpes is a prerequisite for treatment. Only such drugs are able to relieve a child of suffering in the form of itching and pain.

Treatments for herpes

Please note that in no case should you self-medicate herpes in a child. Most varieties of this disease involve not only an individual course of treatment, but often require hospitalization. Herpes in childhood is very dangerous. For example, in infants, this virus can cause serious damage to the nervous system and brain. If ulcers develop in the larynx or in the auricles, ignoring them can damage the child's hearing.

The method of treatment directly depends on the type of herpes. The selection of a virus elimination course should be carried out only by a specialist. The fight against herpes is usually done with pills, injections or ointments. An obligatory element of the course of treatment in this case is the appointment of immunostimulants and antiviral drugs.

At the first suspicion of herpes in a child, experts recommend taking the drug "Acyclovir". Dosages must be followed in strict accordance with the instructions.

Herpes can be accompanied by many dangerous symptoms. Often, during the development of this disease, you can observe clear signs of a cold in a child. Less commonly, herpes causes not only a significant increase in body temperature, but also seizures that resemble a fever. In this case, the main task is not only to eliminate the accompanying symptoms, but also the virus itself. If herpes is not completely cured, then it can turn into a chronic disease, which will be more difficult to cope with each time.

Please note that once it has entered the child's body, the herpes virus can exist in it throughout its life. That is why, after suffering diseases, it is necessary to periodically carry out procedures aimed at preventive effects. The exact dosages and necessary drugs can only be calculated by an immunologist. Self-activity in the treatment of herpes can lead to complications. If a child has contracted such a virus, then his personal hygiene should be especially carefully monitored.
