One of the reasons a small child cries is pain from teething. Some babies get through this process easily, while others suffer greatly. If your child's teeth grow very painfully, then it is worth finding a way to alleviate his condition.

Gum massage
During the growth of the teeth, the baby's gums itch a lot. The child pulls everything into his mouth and tries to chew. There are many ways to massage the gums. First, you can give the baby a crouton or drying. In this case, it is necessary to carefully monitor so that the child does not bite off a large piece and choke.
Secondly, there are many different teethers on the shelves of children's stores. In most cases, they are made of silicone of various densities or similar materials and have a relief. Sometimes there are also soft toys, some parts of which are made in the form of teethers (for example, the handles of a hare can be specially designed to massage the baby's gums). Some teethers are filled with liquid. These can be cooled in the refrigerator or under running cool water, and then allowed to chew on the baby. Cold is known to relieve pain. The teether should be comfortable for the baby's small hand and fit easily into his mouth (some models are too thick or bulky).
Don't let your baby chew on a pacifier or bottle teat. They can be easily torn off with sharp children's teeth. In this case, the pacifier or pacifier will have to be thrown away: in places of ruptures, silicone and rubber begin to release unsafe substances.
Teething gels
There are many types of pain relieving gels. Most of them are based on lidocoin. These are gels such as Calgel, Dentinox or Holisal. They relieve gum pain when applied topically. Before using the gels, be sure to read the instructions and contraindications. They act quickly enough. Among the disadvantages are the high price, addiction to lidocaine (it ceases to work with frequent use) and the risk of allergies.
A cheaper option is to use plant-based gels (for example, Baby Doctor). As in the case of those listed above, an allergic reaction may occur to the herbal preparation. For some children, this gel will help, and for some it will not have any effect. In this case, everything is individual.
Antipyretic and pain reliever
In case of an increase in body temperature during teething or to relieve pain, drugs such as Panadol or Nurofen can be used. They come in syrup or suppository form. It should be remembered that such drugs have a strong stress on the child's liver, so they should not be used for more than a few days. It is imperative to read the instructions before giving the child pain reliever. Each such drug has its own dose for a certain age of the baby and a restriction on how long it can be used.
Pain relieving syrups or suppositories are best used in extreme cases. For example, when from severe pain the baby does not sleep at all at night.
Other ways to relieve teething pain
There is a homeopathic preparation designed specifically for use during the period of teething - "Vibrukol". These are plant-based suppositories with a complex effect: analgesic and anti-inflammatory. This drug gives the best effect if it is used for several days.
To relieve inflammation of the gums, rinsing the baby's mouth with chamomile infusion or drinking chamomile tea helps. Sucking also has an analgesic effect, so you can give your baby a breast or a bottle more often when teething occurs.
Each child will benefit from a specific way to relieve teething pain. There is no one-size-fits-all recipe. Young parents need to be patient during this difficult period and look for something that will help their baby.