As the child grows, more and more new discoveries and events await parents. Everything during this period passes in anticipation of the first word, the first step, but for the beginning of the first tooth. In order not to confuse its appearance with signs of a disease and to facilitate this process for the crumbs, parents need to be armed with the knowledge of teething.

Step 1
The very first symptom inherent in almost all babies is profuse salivation. The kid practically chokes in his own saliva and lets out rivulets from them.
Step 2
The teething process is accompanied for the baby by itching and burning, less often pain. This explains the sudden moods, restless sleep and poor appetite. In the active stage of eruption, the child may periodically refuse to eat. Light massage of the gums and specialized products, produced mainly in the form of gels, help relieve these symptoms.
Step 3
As a result of itching, the crumb wants to scratch the gums with something, so everything that comes to hand, including the hand itself, he sends into his mouth. To keep your baby safe, you need to use special teethers that are safe to use and have different grooved surfaces.
Step 4
The most obvious and definite manifestation of teething is swollen gums, subsequently with the emerging outlines of future teeth. The gums become red and hard. The long-awaited white horizontal stripe will be a reward for waiting and agony. Most often, the appearance of a tooth outward is accompanied by a sharp cry of the child when biting something, because the outer layer of the gum is sharply cut.
Step 5
Fever and, as a result, vomiting and diarrhea are quite rare, but they do occur. These symptoms can occur, but only mildly and infrequently.