Oral hygiene for a child is no less important than for an adult. Sometimes there is an opinion that milk teeth do not need to be cleaned at all. Dentists refute this opinion, because the health of milk teeth also determines the subsequent health of the indigenous. In order to choose the right toothpaste, you need to pay attention to the ingredients it contains.

Step 1
Cleaning components. Cleaning or abrasive substances in children's toothpaste such as sodium bicarbonate or calcium carbonate can damage the enamel of children's teeth, eroding and wearing away. Therefore, it is better to replace these substances with the softest ones, such as titanium dioxide or silicon dioxide. They are found in pastes such as Lacalut and R. O. C. S.
Step 2
Fluorine. Not so long ago, 10-15 years ago, fluoride pastes were highly esteemed and popular among customers. At the moment, many dentists oppose the presence of this component in the composition of toothpastes, especially for children. A high concentration of fluoride, if swallowed, is harmful to a child. It is better if the paste contains its analogs that are of organic origin, for example olafluor or aminofluoride. For example, in the Silka Putzi paste, the fluorine content is minimal, meeting the standards (up to 0.05%).
Step 3
Foam. Substances that create foam, such as sodium lauryl sulfate or simply SLS, have a drying effect on the mucous membrane, causing irritation, and are also quite toxic. The Drakosha toothpaste contains such a component. In fact, the foam only helps in sliding, not in cleansing, so a large amount of it does not affect the quality of brushing your teeth in any way. Accordingly, it is better to get pasta without this harmful component, for example, President.
Step 4
Preservatives and flavors. Trying to extend the shelf life and optimize storage conditions, manufacturers do not spare preservatives for toothpaste. But many are highly toxic, such as propylene glycol or simply PEG, the sodium benzoate found in pastes such as Colgate and Aquafresh. Since this is a children's paste, the appropriate flavoring and coloring agents are added. There are natural extracts (mint, eucalyptus, anise), and there are also artificial ones. They, of course, are not so harmful, but still they are not desirable for a child to use.
Step 5
Dairy enzymes. Lactic enzymes that are present in toothpaste, such as lysozyme, lactoperoxidase, lactoferrin, glucose oxide, are components that protect tooth enamel while strengthening it. The choice of such pastes, they are called milk pastes, is preferable, since they are not only safe, but also useful. For example, Splat toothpaste contains such enzymes.
Step 6
Antibacterial substances. It is a misconception that the use of hygiene products containing antibacterial substances is of great benefit. This is of course true, but when there is a medical indication for it. In this case, these are diseases of the oral cavity in a child, which can only be diagnosed by a specialist. There is no need for a healthy child to use antibacterial toothpastes.