How To Teach A Child To Brush Their Teeth With Toothpaste

How To Teach A Child To Brush Their Teeth With Toothpaste
How To Teach A Child To Brush Their Teeth With Toothpaste

To instill in the baby a love of hygiene procedures should begin before the first tooth erupts. This is necessary for educational and pedagogical purposes. If a child from infancy is accustomed to regular oral care, then at the right time he will switch to the independent use of a toothbrush and toothpaste.

How to teach a child to brush their teeth with toothpaste
How to teach a child to brush their teeth with toothpaste

Child's age and oral cavity care features

From zero to one year, parents should take care of the baby's oral cavity. A silicone cap with soft tubercles-bristles, which must be purchased at the pharmacy, is suitable for this procedure. The cap is put on the index finger of an adult and the baby's gums and teeth are massaged in a circular motion.

By the time the baby is one and a half years old, up to 12 milk teeth will erupt. It becomes necessary to brush them. It should have soft bristles, a small head to get to the farthest parts of the baby's mouth. Rinse the brush with warm water and soap before using it for the first time. At this stage, teeth brushing is done only by adults. For convenience, stand behind your baby and raise his head so that you can brush all surfaces of the teeth. The use of toothpastes is not recommended as the baby is not able to spit it out. Brush your teeth with a brush and regular drinking water.

At the age of one and a half to two years, the baby is happy to imitate adults. Often take it with you to the bath at the time when you are doing oral hygiene. Toothpaste is also not used during this period, since the child has not yet developed the skill of rinsing the mouth. Eaten pasta can lead to an excess of fluoride in the child's body. This threatens to disrupt the formation of enamel. Involvement in hygiene procedures can take a playful form: "Come on, let's see your teeth!", "How does a crocodile open his mouth?"

By the age of two or three, your baby is completely independent. He can already start mastering oral care on his own. During this period, parents need to teach the child to brush his teeth well and correctly, rinse his mouth. To begin with, teach your baby to hold and spit out water, “blow bubbles”. It is important that brushing your teeth becomes a permanent part of the morning and evening dress for your baby.

Personal example of parents

Parents' personal example of oral care will awaken the child's interest in caring for their teeth, and they will want to join the family's daily activity. Buy a personal toothbrush for your baby and take it with you when brushing your teeth. He will repeat after you. Gradually teach him to rinse his mouth. Let the baby take some water and spit it out without swallowing. When the child has mastered this, you can start giving the paste. It is better if it does not taste sweet. Then the baby will not want to swallow it. The amount of paste on the toothbrush should be small - about a small pea. At the very beginning, a little paste will still remain on the baby's teeth. But, a little time will pass, and the child will learn to rinse his mouth perfectly. To do this, continue to explain, day after day, how to properly brush your teeth. Can be a little scared. For example, say that if you swallow the paste, your stomach will hurt and you will have to go to the doctor for an injection.

If the child refuses to brush his teeth or is capricious, postpone the procedure. Continue to subtly show your parents how much they enjoy taking care of their teeth.

Choosing a toothbrush and toothpaste

At the moment when the child masters the skills of rinsing the mouth (as a rule, this is the age of two and a half to three years), purchase safe baby paste for cleaning children's teeth. For example, ROCKS baby, SPLAT baby or others. Pastes for children have a neutral taste. Some contain minimal amounts of fruit flavors. In order to avoid increased consumption of fluoride, the content of fluoride components in these pastes is specially reduced compared to pastes for adolescents and adults. Visit your dentist if possible. He will help you choose the toothpaste for your child based on the age, condition of his teeth and gums.

When choosing a toothbrush, give preference to one that takes into account the structure of the hand and the peculiarities of the grip of the child's hand.
