The skin of a newborn baby is thin and delicate, it is easily subject to injury and inflammation. The most common skin problem in a newborn baby is diaper rash. The question of how to treat skin problems in a child arises in many young mothers. Diaper rash must be treated. You cannot let this state of the child take its course and hope that everything will pass by itself. Without the necessary treatment, they can spread to other areas of the skin, and complications in the form of fungal and bacterial infections are also possible.

- -water;
- - baby soap;
- - diaper cream;
- - Bepanten or Drapolen creams;
- - methyluracil or tannin ointment.
Step 1
When changing diapers or diapers, wash your baby well. After washing, dry the skin with a towel with gentle movements. After that, leave the child to lie naked for 10-20 minutes to dry the skin.
Step 2
Lubricate the folds of the baby's skin with baby diaper cream or special milk cream. Only after completing these procedures can the baby be put on a clean diaper or wrapped in a clean, dry, ironed diaper.
Step 3
If no relief has come within a day, then you need to use medicinal protective ointments (Bepanten or Drapolen). If the diaper rash does not disappear, but, on the contrary, spreads to nearby skin areas, as well as when cracks and pustules appear, you should consult a doctor. He will tell you how to treat a baby's diaper rash.