Many babies drink milk and eat all dairy products with pleasure, but there are children who refuse to consume milk even with cocoa. But for normal growth and development, children just need to eat cottage cheese and drink milk. The first task of parents is to find the right approach to their child to help him or her want to drink milk.

Baby, milk, cunning and patience
Step 1
Persuasion does not help, threats do not make sense, so you can try to teach your child to milk using other methods. To begin with, you should stop forcing the child to consume milk. Children usually follow the example of their parents, so it will be much more effective to drink milk with the baby during breakfast, showing pleasure with all their appearance. After all, the child does not understand why he should drink milk, but the parents should not. And if the baby refused milk only out of harm, the example of the parents will gradually change the situation.
Step 2
If you have problems with the use of whole milk, you can try giving your baby formula milk, and then gradually switch to milk. Plus, there are plenty of delicious milkshakes that every kid won't be able to taste. Knowing the tastes of the baby, cocktails can be prepared with bananas, apples, raspberries, strawberries and other fruits and berries.
Step 3
It is worth conducting a few experiments and learning how to make the most delicious cocktail, ask your baby to help in choosing the ingredients. A milkshake is more useful due to the contained vitamin products, the sweetness of the cocktail can be given with the help of honey, if the child is not allergic.
Step 4
It is also worth trying to switch to kefir, fermented baked milk or yoghurts. They are no less useful for the baby, only you need to pay attention to the composition of the product and choose more natural ones. You should often cook porridge with milk, such as semolina or corn. It is possible that the child does not even have to be forced to eat porridge. Many children determine the "goodness" of foods by their appearance.
Step 5
If you buy a beautiful children's cup with a picture, a bright tube that the baby can bend in any direction, there is a high probability that milk will eventually become a favorite product.