All babies develop in different ways, there are no clear rules and universal recommendations when to switch from diapers to potty use. Of course, toilet training is an important period in a baby's life and a very hot topic for parents.

Step 1
Due to their age-related physiological characteristics, a child under 1, 5 years old cannot be clean. Be prepared for the fact that even after the onset of this age, the baby will not immediately succeed in everything smoothly. During this period, children master many other things, and the pot is far from being in the first place for them. For most babies, the readiness to learn the skills of independent toilet on an intellectual and physical level develops at the age of 1, 5 to 2, 5 years.
Step 2
Look for signs that tell you if your child is ready to learn toilet skills. The kid must understand the speech addressed to him, simple requests; be able or try to take off and put on panties; show interest in going to the potty; to voice his feelings, to show with facial expressions, words or a gesture that he wants to go to the toilet, is hungry, etc.
Step 3
Get a comfortable, stable pot and always keep it within reach of your baby. Let the baby try to sit on it, experiment. Observe your child, trying to place him on the potty at a time when he has a chair. As a rule, this can happen 20-30 minutes after a meal, in the morning after sleep. If the crumbs succeed, praise him.
Step 4
If your baby wakes up dry after a nap, try changing diapers with waterproof panties or panties. Lay an oilcloth on the bed, and put the pot next to it. The ability to control the bladder at night is the last to develop in children. Therefore, while leaving the diaper to sleep at night, remove it only when the baby begins to wake up in dry diapers on a regular basis.
Step 5
You can move on to mastering the toilet when the baby learns to use the potty regularly throughout the day. Get a special seat that fits your child. On it, he will feel much more confident, not afraid to fail. It is convenient to use a stand-step that will help the child to reach the toilet or sink. Do not scold the kid, if not everything goes smoothly, develop his self-confidence. If the training is not very successful, it is better to take a short break in order to return to mastering the toilet later.