It is customary to call babies from 0 to 12 months of age. And if in the first six months feeding them seems quite simple, then with the introduction of complementary foods, the situation becomes much more complicated. Pediatric or pediatric complementary foods, vegetables from the market or cans - it is not at all easy for modern parents to understand this seemingly simple question.

Step 1
Newborn babies are either sleeping or eating most of the time. And no matter what type of feeding the mother chose - breast milk or milk formulas, she cannot do without worries. Does the baby drink enough milk, did he stay hungry, or maybe, on the contrary, overeat, how this will affect his chair. In fact, everything is not so scary. It is babies who do not need anything other than breasts, which are given out on demand. The baby himself pumps as much milk as he needs, and the mother's body will adapt to the needs of the nursing baby.
Step 2
Parents whose babies are mixed or formula-fed will have a little more difficulty, because, unlike bottle-fed breasts, the supply-demand system does not work. You should carefully follow the recommended rates on the food packaging or the feeding schedule provided by your supervising pediatrician. Regardless of the type of feeding, babies under the age of 6 months do not need any other food other than milk - breast milk or specially prepared.
Step 3
Starting from the 7th month of life, other food products gradually appear in the child's diet. Pediatricians recommend the classic scheme of complementary feeding, in which the first complementary food should consist of a hypoallergenic product dispensed at lunchtime, at first in a small amount. You should start literally with a drop of puree on the tip of a teaspoon, increase the portion day after day, gradually expanding the baby's diet. For example, starting complementary foods with zucchini, bring the portion to 3-4 tablespoons within a week, and on the eighth day replace one spoonful of zucchini with mashed cauliflower or broccoli. Each meal in the form of complementary foods must be finished with latching on to the breast or feeding from a bottle with the usual mixture. Such a smooth transition from one type of food to another will help the baby gradually get used to the new food, and reduce the risk of allergies.
Step 4
Closer to the year, you can begin to take the baby to the common table, offering him meals served to other family members. At the same time, you should not rush to extremes and transfer the family to puréed vegetables or give your child a steak or fried fish. You can always find a compromise, for example in the form of stewed vegetables or steamed cutlets. The purpose of such a joint meal is not only to feed the baby, but also to give him the opportunity to get acquainted with the culture of eating. Copying the behavior of adults, wielding next to all, even if plastic, but almost real, a fork and a spoon, the child will love such joint meals and will be happy to take part in them.