The best food for babies in the first months of life is breast milk - it is ideal for feeding a newborn. Every day the baby is getting older, and by the age of 6 months, pediatricians recommend introducing the first complementary foods, so that the child's body begins to get used to a variety of foods.

The first complementary food should be as gentle as possible for the baby's sensitive digestive system. That is why one-component vegetable purees made from low-allergenic ingredients - zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli are best suited for the first feeding.
The puree should be homogeneous and differ only slightly in density from breast milk. The first serving of vegetable puree should be offered to the baby before morning feeding, and its size should not exceed 1/2 teaspoon.
After the baby has eaten the puree, he needs to be given a breast. If there are no negative reactions to complementary foods, the next day the portion can be increased to 1 teaspoon, and then gradually increase the portion size until the child eats 100 g of vegetable puree per day.
It is not recommended to start complementary foods with fruit purees - after sweet foods, the child may refuse fresh vegetables. In addition, sweet fruits at an early age increase the risk of tooth decay and metabolic disorders.
First, vegetables are introduced into the child's diet, then fruits, and only after them - meat. Fish is introduced into the baby's diet last - the baby receives the first fish dishes no earlier than 9-10 months.
What mashed potatoes are suitable for complementary foods
At the age of 5-6 months, one-component puree of broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, squash or zucchini, green peas, spinach can be gradually introduced into the child's diet. A small amount of potatoes is also acceptable if the baby has a good first meal.
After the child tastes vegetable purees, he can be offered fruit - for the first fruit feeding, puree from green apples and pears is suitable.
At the age of 6-8 months, the appearance of multicomponent purees in the children's menu is allowed. These can be vegetable and fruit combinations, milk and fruit desserts without sugar and preservatives, as well as combinations of meat and vegetables for children over 7 months old.
Fermented milk products adapted for feeding babies can be introduced into the child's diet after 6-7 months.