All children are individual and sometimes it can be difficult to get a child to go to bed at the time recommended by pediatricians or to eat according to the WHO recommendations. However, if you teach a child at the age of 10 months to a certain daily routine, then after a year, when the child is firmly on his feet, it will be easier for the mother to allocate her time to all the necessary needs.

Step 1
The optimal time for a child to wake up at the age of 10 months is 6-7 am. The total duration of sleep at this age is 14.5-15.5 hours. Most children are already starting to sleep two days a day, although there are some who still sleep three times a day. 10-month-old babies are able to stay awake for up to 3.5 hours. The duration of daytime sleep can be 2-2, 5 hours, and nighttime - 9-11 hours. The child has been awake for at least 2, 5 - 3, 5 hours in a row. Ideally, a 10-month-old baby should get up at 7 a.m. and go to bed no later than 10 p.m. The first nap can be arranged from 10.30 to 12.30 hours, and the second from 15.30 to 17.30.
Step 2
With regard to nutrition, at the age of 10 months, the child remains on 5 meals a day during the day. Night feeding is optional. An approximate feeding schedule can be as follows: 7.00, 10.00, 14.00, 17.30, 20.30. Try not to let your child go without food for more than 4 hours at a time. It is recommended that the first and last feeding of the baby be milk: breast milk or formula. An approximate menu for a child of 10 months, provided that all stages of complementary feeding were previously introduced and in the absence of allergies, may look like this:
- 7.00 - breast milk or formula, about 200 ml;
- 10.00 - 200 ml of milk porridge and 40 g of cottage cheese;
- 14.00 - 130 mg vegetable puree, 30 g meatballs, 40 ml fruit juice;
- 17.30 - 150 ml of whole kefir, 10 g of baby cookies, 50 g of fruit puree, 50 g of grated vegetables;
- 20.30 - breast milk or formula, about 200 ml.
Step 3
During periods of wakefulness of the baby, it is necessary to arrange at least 2 walks a day for 2 hours. After waking up in the morning, the child is shown hygiene procedures in the form of washing and rubbing off, and an hour after eating, you can have a light massage and gymnastics session. At this age, you can proceed from rubdowns to the hardening procedure, preferably between 16.00 and 19.00. It is necessary to start hardening by pouring water at a temperature of 36 degrees. Water is reduced by 1 degree per day to a level of 28 degrees. Also, air baths lasting up to 30 minutes will be useful for the child's health. The room temperature should be around 19 degrees.
Step 4
Although daily bathing is no longer required at the age of 10 months, this procedure is very good in shaping the daily routine. Bathing before bed relaxes the baby and encourages them to fall asleep faster. Many babies start yawning during the procedure. Bathe your child half an hour before bedtime so that you have time to brush your baby's teeth, massage the gums and read the story.