When The Child Starts To Walk

When The Child Starts To Walk
When The Child Starts To Walk

The first hum of a child touches adults, they want to listen to him again and again. The first sounds are an important stage in the development of the baby both in speech and psychoemotional terms. However, not every mother knows when her baby should start walking and whether she needs to worry if this does not happen.

When the child starts to walk
When the child starts to walk

What is the humming of a child

First of all, it is worth determining what a baby's humming is, how to distinguish it from other types of onomatopoeia. It is curious that children who belong to different language groups begin to speak with the same sounds. A kind of speech activity - humming - is so named due to its similarity to pigeon grumbling.

The child begins to pronounce vowel sounds, after which guttural speech occurs. When the baby begins to clearly pronounce "o", "a", "e", "y", "s", "and", he will begin to combine sounds in "guu", "aha-ha", "agugu", etc. This action gives him great pleasure, because he "plays" with his lips, tongue and throat.

How many months does the child begin to walk

By the time the first speech skills appear, the baby has already adapted to the outside world, he recognizes the people around him and answers them with a smile when communicating. The baby needs to pay more attention and talk more often, and not just take care of him. He needs a positive reaction from his parents to the sounds he utters, in which case the humming will begin to be repeated more often.

Adults can have real conversations with the child, exaggerating sounds and drawing his attention to the setting of the lips, as well as sticking out the tongue. In this case, the baby observes the parents, and then copies their pronunciation.

Specialists and pediatricians have established the period by which the brain functions responsible for the onset of spoken language mature. A baby's humming occurs by the age of 2-3 months, when the baby smiles and confidently holds his head. This important stage in the formation of speech lasts up to 5-7 months of age.

Why does the child not walk

Parents of a child whose development does not meet the above temporary standards should not panic. Each baby develops in a unique and individual way, so being ahead / lagging behind is normal. This is true if there are no aggravating factors, when the child does not walk at all, suddenly stops doing it, or begins to walk after 7 months of age.

That is, if your baby reacts to the environment, is cheerful, healthy, gains weight well, but at the same time walks a little, it means that he is in order, this is just his individual norm, which does not affect the general development in any way.

In order to detect serious violations in speech development in time, a mandatory routine examination of the baby by an otolaryngologist is necessary. The doctor will be able to identify the objective reason for the violation of the speech or hearing system and answer the parents' questions about why their child does not walk.

How to teach a child to walk

If the child is not walking around, parents need to take the following steps:

- communicate often and emotionally with the baby;

- to develop his fine and large motor skills, allowing the baby to touch objects of different texture and shape (while you need to be near and control his actions);

- read children's books, funny poems, jokes, hum "pestushki" to the baby;

- play games where gesticulation is needed, for example, "okay", "magpie-crow", finger games;

- to speak correctly, without distorting the words, and not to lisp with the baby.
