By the age of 2-3, most mothers begin to wonder if it's time to wean the baby from the nipple. By the age of 3, the baby has many interesting hobbies and activities, and therefore it will be easier to say goodbye to the dummy. But some children may throw tantrums or scandals.

Step 1
You should gradually wean your baby off the nipple. it is not worth using harsh methods. Smearing the nipple with mustard, forcibly removing or cutting off the tip of the nipple will do nothing good.
Step 2
Abrupt abandonment of a pacifier can cause a child to become nervous, irritable, and moody. And he will try to find a replacement for her - to suck a finger or the edge of a duvet cover.
Step 3
Up to 2 years old, it will be difficult for a child to part with a pacifier. And therefore, after reaching this age, he can already understand what his parents want from him.
Step 4
Try not to give your baby a pacifier during the day. But before going to bed, you may still need it.
Step 5
Come up with a story why you need to say goodbye to the nipple. For example, in the morning a gnome comes and takes the pacifier, and in the evening he gives it away.
Step 6
Try to explain to the child that he is already an adult, and the pacifier is for babies.
Step 7
If the child cannot refuse his pacifier in any way, then show a little patience. Anyway, the moment of goodbye to the nipple will come someday.