The mystery of indigo children is associated not only with their birth, but also with their interaction with the world around them. They are often misunderstood and underestimated, and some adults do not know how to recognize indigo at all, even in their own child.

The pseudoscientific term "indigo children" was coined by the psychic Nancy Ann Tapp. So she named the children with an indigo aura. The term spread in the 90s, when it began to be actively used in the literature associated with the New Age movement.
Indigos are called children with certain properties - a high level of intelligence and sensitivity, telepathy and many other abilities. They are called the "new race of people", books are written about them and films are made. However, to date, there is no scientific evidence of their existence. Some argue that most of the signs of Indigo children are attributed to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder described in psychology.
Nevertheless, there are a great many people who believe in indigo children. The phenomenal abilities and origins of Indigo children are shrouded in mystery, and there is much debate about their purpose. The authors of some books claim that these children are the harbingers of a global catastrophe from which they must save the world.
Children belonging to this category have certain characteristics by which they can be distinguished among their peers. Most often, they withdraw into themselves and behave asocial, have high self-esteem and individualism, actively do not recognize authorities and stubbornly disobey their parents and other adults. Indigo children are passionate about creativity, possessing high potential in this area, they have a high level of intelligence, they are energetic, restless.
Such children are distinguished by developed intuition, they are looking for justice in everything and feel increased responsibility for their actions. Indigo children show their abilities early. So, already at the age of four or five, they, unexpectedly for adults, independently master digital technologies or musical instruments, but at the same time do not accept traditional methods of upbringing. The latter fact affects relations with parents, who often do not notice the child's abilities, but actively fight against his disobedience.
Having read adult wisdom in the eyes of their child and decided to develop his abilities, parents should follow a specialized path of education. First of all, channel the irrepressible energy of the baby into a peaceful channel. You cannot put a framework in front of the child that limits his choice. You should not humiliate him, use rudeness or raised tones when communicating. Be sure to keep your promises to your child and try to show love and affection.
Be clear about your requests and discuss inappropriate behavior with your Indigo child, treat him with respect and praise him for his merits.