Indigo children is a term that has become very popular lately. It is believed that more and more of them are born every year. And it is also believed that it is thanks to these children that the world, striving for destruction, will be saved.

The term indigo was first used in 1982 by the American psychic Nancy Ann Tapp. The woman was able to see the aura of people and noticed that recently children with an unusual aura color - deep blue - were being born. This phenomenon happened not only in America. Strange children were born in Europe, Russia, China.
These children can be recognized not only by those few people who are able to see the aura. They have indigo and other characteristic features. They are closed in themselves, it is difficult for them to establish contacts with peers, because, in their opinion, no one understands them. Indigo children have tremendous creative and intellectual potential, but they may perform poorly in school simply because they are not interested in the curriculum.
In their thinking, they also differ from the average guy. Indigo children are more prone to philosophical reflection, they have a developed sense of justice. If it seems to them that someone is wrong, they do not hesitate to tell him about it. In general, indigo children tend to immediately communicate their needs, without waiting for mercy from adults.
Indigo children have and psychic abilities. Sometimes they can move objects, read minds. Some of them are inclined towards healing.
These children are much tougher than they seem at first glance. Radiation acts on them several times weaker than on the body of an adult. Having eaten expired canned food, they will not feel bad, although an ordinary person would have already ended up in the hospital. One gets the impression that it is the indigo children who will be able to survive the cataclysms that various predictors warned about.
There is a hypothesis that, thanks to their extraordinary talents, grown up indigo children will be able to build a new society. Often, such a child is born with a specific mission, which he is aware of from childhood. It will be a society without racial hatred and discrimination. Also, indigo children will help develop humanity's extrasensory abilities, which at one time were discarded as unnecessary due to the development of science.