People with Down syndrome, despite the prejudice of the majority, are not sick or dangerous to those around them. And such children are not only very smart and quick-witted, but also kind, loving children and everyone around them, who need communication and socialization no less than others.

A child with Down syndrome is in dire need of communication. Very often, the world around them is negatively opposed to such children, which injures their psyche and affects their socialization in society. The main task of the parents of such a baby is not only to create a favorable atmosphere for him within his family and to strengthen his confidence in himself and his abilities, but also to choose for him that educational institution where they can see an ordinary person in him, not notice his small deviations and help to adapt to the world.
How to choose a school for a unique child
Not every educational institution is ready to accept a child with Down syndrome, and in many, unfortunately, even teachers are biased towards such children and do not want to see them among their students. That is why, the main criterion in choosing a school should be the attitude towards such children of the teaching staff and students of this institution. You can appreciate this, of course, only when you visit the institution. The first visit is best done by the parents themselves, without the child. Already at a preliminary conversation with the leader and the alleged mentor of the child, parents can determine the degree of their loyalty to children with disabilities.
If the first conversation was successful, then you can come to school with your child. It is not necessary to immediately get acquainted with the teachers and children, you can just wander through the corridors and classrooms, inspect everything that will interest the kid, tell about why you came to this beautiful and large building.
And only on the third visit, if the child likes the atmosphere and wants to return, you can get acquainted with the students and teachers, observe the reaction of the child and his opponents. Only under the condition of complete mutual understanding and the absence of constraint and uncertainty of a child with Down syndrome when communicating with new people in an unfamiliar place, we can safely say that the choice of an educational institution has been completed and the place has been determined.
Adaptation of a child with Down syndrome at school
For the successful adaptation of a child to an educational institution, parents must tell in detail about all his deviations to the teacher and service personnel. Some of these children may have hearing problems, others with vision - everything needs to be said in advance, since this can cause misunderstanding, both on the part of the child and on the part of others.
It is also necessary to discuss all the features of the curriculum in advance. Children with Down syndrome are a little behind their peers in development, so they need a simplified program, or an individual approach to their education. An important role in the progress of such children is played not only by the professionalism of the teacher, but also by the participation in the learning process of his parents, their help and support.