Placing a child in school is not an easy and responsible question. After all, the future life of both yours and your children literally depends on the choice of an educational institution. Therefore, it is necessary to be puzzled by the school question already a couple of years before admission.

Step 1
Officially, enrollment in first grade begins on April 1st. At this point, you must decide on the schools you want to go to. You are obliged to be admitted to the district school at the place of registration in any case. All others can only take you if there are vacancies. Therefore, for a start, you can try to apply for a gymnasium and lyceum. You can apply to several schools at the same time. Official enrollment takes place in the summer, and you have a chance to get into the desired school.
Step 2
For a better acquaintance with the chosen school, you can look like preparatory courses. Registration for courses begins in July and can last until October at the discretion of the school. In such classes, the child gets to know the teachers, the possible team, the specifics of the school curriculum.
Step 3
Look for a school based on your child's abilities and capabilities. Many parents are trying to shove their child into a serious institution with in-depth study of individual disciplines. But really developed and erudite children can study in such schools, and, in addition, with excellent health. Because the teaching load in lyceums or gymnasiums is higher than in ordinary schools. If your child has speech therapy problems, then a school with in-depth study of a foreign language is contraindicated for him. If he doesn’t read yet and doesn’t add numbers well within ten, it will be difficult for him in the mathematical lyceum.
Step 4
If the child will go to school on his own, then opt for a nearby school yard. If a child has health limitations, chronic diseases - pay attention to the so-called health schools. In such institutions, there is a sparing regime of classes, preventive measures, and a small number of classes.
Step 5
Drop parenting ambition and look at your child. Primary school was not invented in order to invest fundamental scientific knowledge in the immature minds of first-graders. Primary school must teach the child to learn. And this is not only constant cramming, it is also the ability to listen to the teacher, communicate with the team, sit quietly in the lesson.