When communicating with an infant one month old, special attention should be paid to the development of his sense organs, since it is these organs that allow the child to learn about the world around him. Start slowly stimulating your baby's touch, hearing, sight and movement, and you will give him a great start in life.

Small pieces of fabrics of various textures, a feather, a massage ball, children's books, bright beautiful toys
Step 1
The greatest flow of information in a small child goes through the sense of touch, it is this organ that needs to be developed in the first place. Prepare several pieces of fabric with different textures, it can be silk, linen, wool, cotton, viscose, fur, satin and many others. Let your baby touch these fabrics regularly, feel the difference. Pay attention to tactile contact: stroke the child, kiss him, massage with your hands and various objects such as a feather or a massage ball with pimples.
Step 2
Don't forget to develop your hearing. The fetus begins to listen to the voices of the parents in the womb, so after birth it is necessary to maintain and develop this skill. Talk to your baby, sing songs to him, read children's books aloud. Only at first glance it seems that the baby does not hear anything, in fact, the information received is deposited in his subconscious and becomes the basis for the subsequent development of speech.
Step 3
The child's vision will help develop bright toys, placed or suspended at a distance of about 25-30 centimeters from the face of the crumbs. When he learns to focus his gaze on them, begin to move them from side to side and move them further away, making sure that the baby follows them with his eyes.
Step 4
It is very important to develop the infant's motor skills during this period. Start with innate reflexes like crawling and grasping. Place the baby on his tummy and place your palms under his legs so that he can push off from your hands. Place your thumbs or forefingers in your child's hand, wait for him to grab onto them and begin to gradually raise your hands up so that the baby also lifts up. This exercise develops not only the grasping reflex, but also the muscles of the back, which will help the newborn to begin to hold the head faster.