How To Get Breastfeeding Back

How To Get Breastfeeding Back
How To Get Breastfeeding Back

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Nutrition is one of the most important aspects of a child's development. It is in infancy that the baby grows faster than in any other period of his life, and therefore needs a high-quality product - breast milk. Unfortunately, some mothers cannot feed their baby with their milk because of low lactation, and sometimes because of its complete cessation. But, if you really want to, breastfeeding can be returned, thereby providing the child with adequate nutrition.

How to get breastfeeding back
How to get breastfeeding back


Step 1

The relaxation process (milk recovery) lasts more than one day, so you need to be patient. If you really want to breastfeed your baby again, the first thing you need to know and remember is that you can do it.

Step 2

Latch your baby to your chest at all times. In order for the level of the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for milk production, to increase, it is necessary that the baby suckles as often and productively as possible. Make sure that the baby correctly grips the nipple, otherwise your efforts will not bring results.

Step 3

If milk appears, but not enough, try to express it, at least a little. After all, the greater the demand, the greater the supply. This means that your body will be aware of the lack of milk and will produce more milk.

Step 4

In order to have more milk and breastfeeding to improve faster, the mother herself should also not forget to eat well. You need to carefully monitor your diet. Meals should be balanced, high-calorie, contain only useful elements.

Step 5

Drink plenty of fluids. Make it a rule to drink a glass of warm tea with milk 10-15 minutes before feeding. You can drink even during a feeding session, it will not harm either the baby or you.

Step 6

It is known that when a woman is anxious or anxious, lactation can decrease dramatically. As a result, the negative factors affecting the mother have a bad effect on the child as well. Therefore, those mothers who want to breastfeed their babies without hindrance are simply obliged to get enough sleep, not to overwork and not worry.

Step 7

Wear comfortable underwear. A lot depends on which bra you choose. For example, a tight bra can squeeze the breast, thereby pinching the ducts in which milk is produced. The underwear should fit your size and keep in shape well.

Step 8

Some medications, which are dispensed strictly according to the doctor's prescription, will help to increase milk production. Among such medicines: apilak (dried royal jelly of bees), mlekoin, nicotinic and glutamic acids.

Step 9

To resume breastfeeding, the mother's use of powdered milk formulas for lactating women is suitable. They contain a fairly large amount of easily digestible proteins, a complex of elements, trace elements, carotene and taurine.

Step 10

Finally, plants such as dill, marin root, clover, nettle, anise, fennel, oregano, caraway seeds, walnuts, and carrots can increase breast milk production.
