The spiritual world of a person is very diverse and largely depends on national traditions, characteristics of upbringing. Nevertheless, there are common points that are common to almost all peoples. It is spiritual life that makes a person a person, reveals all the best that is in him.

Spiritual life is directly related to a person's worldview - it determines his basic life values, helps to choose a life path. At the same time, all the variety of views on the world can be conditionally divided into three categories. In the first case, people believe that there is a God and live in accordance with this belief. The second category includes atheists. Finally, to the third - people who do not believe in God in the traditional religious sense, but understand that this world is very complex and a person's existence, most likely, does not end with his death - for simplicity, we can call the beliefs of such people alternative.
The spiritual world of the believer
Faith in God orients a person to spiritual values that go far beyond the limits of everyday life. Moreover, it is spiritual life that becomes the basis of human existence, establishes moral and ethical norms. A person tries not to commit sinful acts - that is, not to do harm, not to do what can harm his soul.
A true believer is in many ways a role model - he is peaceful, kind, modest, not greedy, always ready to help in difficult times. Following the spiritual precepts of the greatest world religions really makes a person cleaner, brings his existence to a qualitatively new level.
It is very important that a believer constantly sees around him numerous confirmations of the truth of his faith. Dozens, hundreds of events demonstrate to him the omnipotence of God, convincing him that the Lord will never leave him alone. The very understanding of this gives the believer the most powerful spiritual support, helps to endure any hardships in life.
The spiritual world of the atheist
If a person does not believe in God, this does not mean that he has no spirituality. It all depends on the person himself; in practice, many atheists turn out to be cleaner, honest, kind people than other believers.
For an atheist, basic human values come to the fore in his spiritual world. Love, kindness, mercy, honesty, compassion - even without faith in God, these qualities are very important. It is simply impossible to forget about them, they cannot be ignored. In addition, there remain such important values as the craving for knowledge, for exploring the secrets of the surrounding world.
One should not forget about conscience, which is one of the most important spiritual qualities of a person. One who lives by conscience will never do anything dishonest, shameful, or unjust.
Alternative teachings
The overwhelming majority of currently existing alternative teachings also pay great attention to the spiritual world of man. The development of a person, his abilities, knowledge of the surrounding world comes to the fore in them. Even in occult teachings, which are, from the point of view of traditional religions, absolutely false, spiritual development is considered not only necessary, but put in the first place.
For an adherent of an alternative teaching, his path becomes the path of knowledge. And on this path there is no place for greedy, proud, cruel people. The path of knowledge is full of pitfalls: in order to pass it, one must have crystal purity. And here all the same values come to the fore - honesty, justice, selflessness, etc. etc.
Nevertheless, the main motivation, the basis of spirituality, is the craving for knowledge of the surrounding world. The thirst for knowledge, the desire to understand, comprehend, cognize has always been characteristic of man. As a rule, there are no dogmas on the way of alternative teachings. Moreover, the ability to doubt the truth of certain points of the teaching, the desire to ask questions is only welcomed. It is not enough to read about something, you need to check it all on your own experience. As a result, life becomes not an adherence to established rules and dogmas, but a journey full of adventures into the unknown.