How can you describe a person? They say that they are greeted by their clothes, but is the appearance enough to determine the personality? The difference between people is huge, even if they look the same. The so-called inner world of a person is a set of qualities, a kind of a person's own reality, which not only distinguishes him from others, but also very strongly influences his own life.

Inner world and soul
It is difficult to define such a complex structure as the inner world of a person. In the past, these words were replaced by “soul”, although this word is not easy to define. Yet the soul and the inner world are not the same. The soul remains unchanged, and the inner world of a person can change very much.
We can say that the inner world is a kind of psychic space in which the entire spiritual life of a person is located, all her energy is concentrated in it. In the inner world, the formation and preservation of human cultural values takes place, and then their transformation. This is a kind of virtual reality that serves as an intermediary between the neural networks of the brain and the immediate surrounding human reality.
The structure of the inner world of a person
If the inner world can be complexly organized, then this means that this organization has signs of consistency, and it can be decomposed into components. Psychologists and philosophers believe that the inner world has the following components.
Emotions are one of the brightest components of a person's inner world. Many experiences leave a mark on the soul precisely because of the experienced emotions. Events that are not charged with emotions are quickly forgotten.
Feelings are also emotions, but with more significant constancy. They last quite a long time and are much less dependent on external "recharging". Usually feelings are directed, that is, they are caused by a specific person, phenomenon or object. Feelings are able to subscribe to emotions. They, like gravity, change the state of things in the inner world of a person.
Worldview is one of the main laws of the formation of the inner world. Views on life, moral guidelines and principles - all this is included in the worldview. If a person did not form his worldview, his inner world would develop chaotically, in the end it could turn out that development did not occur at all. The more holistic and logically clear outlook a person has, the more significant and faster is the development and enrichment of his inner world.
Despite the fact that a worldview largely depends on a person's past experience, it is quite possible to form it independently, focusing on one's own ideals and aspirations. Often, invaluable help in shaping a worldview is provided by various positive examples and impressive people who meet on the path of life.