Not all people are naturally endowed with beautiful appearance. There are many who cannot boast of either a face with thin, regular features, or an impeccable figure. But is it necessary to be upset, worry about this?

Step 1
Even a stunningly handsome person can be dishonest or downright stupid. Moreover, beauty is not eternal. Much more important is the character of a person, his upbringing, habits. That is, the main thing in a person is inner beauty.
Step 2
"They meet by their clothes, they see them off by their minds." Some people know this old saying. Indeed, a person with a good appearance, effectively dressed, can immediately attract attention. But if his inner world does not correspond to external data, the attitude of others towards him will quickly change. After all, the lack of intelligence, warmth, education and tact cannot be compensated for by beauty alone.
Step 3
That is why a seemingly paradoxical situation often occurs: a dazzling beauty in a luxurious outfit, with impeccable makeup, does not attract the attention of men, and behind a modest, quiet lady of a very average appearance, discreetly dressed (with a classic "gray mouse"), suitors curl. In fact, everything is clear and natural. After all, if a beauty is selfish, cold and arrogant, she simply scares away the surrounding men. A "gray mouse" can have a lot of advantages, literally radiate a warm, benevolent aura, that is, be beautiful inwardly.
Step 4
Goodwill, mercy, the ability to be compassionate, tactfulness, willingness to selflessly help another person - these are the main qualities that are inherent in a person with inner beauty. Such people do not commit unworthy deeds, avoid irritability, envy, and selfishness. They think not only of themselves, but also of others, try not to burden others, not to put them in an awkward position in front of others.
Step 5
Inner beauty is also the willingness and desire of a person to work on himself, to increase his positive qualities and get rid of shortcomings, to do good deeds without demanding any reward or even just words of praise. An internally beautiful person does good, because his nature requires it. He cannot live any other way! For the same reason, he will not commit meanness, will not distort his soul. You can rely on such people, they are very reliable and loyal comrades.
Step 6
Of course, not a single person, even the most worthy, can be ideal and represent the standard of inner beauty. However, with desire and diligence, each person can become better, kinder. To do this, you just need to set a goal and go towards it, no matter what.