The resort is designed to take a break from worries, see local attractions and sunbathe. But there are so many temptations around, and you can get to know someone anywhere, without counting on it at all. And now a holiday romance overtook you. While on vacation, there is absolutely no desire to think about the possible consequences. Moreover, this is not at all facilitated by joint pastime and passionate nights.

Step 1
The origin of love is beyond the control of reason and logic. Only time can help to forget a holiday romance, since feelings tend to gradually fade away if people do not communicate.
Step 2
Gradually, the vacation came to an end and, returning to your familiar world, you all the time run away from memories. At the same time, a sparkle appears in the eyes, the mood is upbeat, the people around you began to pay more attention to you, thanks to which new acquaintances appear. A holiday romance must be experienced, but it is not at all necessary to try to forget it right away.
Step 3
Of course, that person was perfect, but at home, near you, there are many people who are no worse. Look around, perhaps the people around you do not have such a beautiful tan or some special charm, but this does not mean that they are not worthy of your attention. Now it is very important to plunge headlong into a new relationship, so you should choose a new object of sighing for yourself.
Step 4
Undoubtedly, fleeting romances make life brighter, so only pleasant memories remain. After all, if the meetings were in a different environment, where there is no liberation and romance, then falling in love might not come or quickly fade away.
Step 5
Lovers often idealize their object of passion and fantasize about what the continuation of the relationship might be like. And it is precisely these unfulfilled desires that can cause depression after returning home. Therefore, in order to forget the holiday romance, it is worth imagining something bad that could happen during the continuation of the relationship.
Step 6
And if that person simply does not contact you after you have dispersed to your cities, then he does not want this and the relationship is simply hopeless. Often people with whom the object of sighing did not want to continue communication, feel that they have been used. In this case, you need to change your view of the situation, because no one forced anyone to anything. In addition, you have had a lot of fun, and the casual connection will remain just a pleasant memory.