Medications for small children are prescribed in the form of rectal suppositories. Very young children do not resist during such a procedure. The situation is more complicated with older children, they resist and do not allow the drug to be delivered. To light a candle, you need to perform a number of simple steps.

Step 1
Wash your hands under running water using baby soap. Don't forget to wash your baby's bottom. After water treatments, do not apply baby cream to baby's skin. During the introduction of the suppository, it can enter the intestines, and this is undesirable.
Step 2
Place the baby in a horizontal position. You can carry out the procedure on your bed or on the changing table. Choose the place where you and your baby will be comfortable.
Step 3
Open the package with the candle. After that, you need to enter it as soon as possible, otherwise it will begin to lose its rigidity and melt, after which it will be much more difficult to put it.
Step 4
Bend the baby's legs slightly and gently insert the candle. Hold your finger near the anus, in the first minutes he can involuntarily push her back. Try to distract your child.