Love spells are still one of the most demanded rituals of black magic. It is curious that people are not stopped by the fact that any love spells are unpredictable and can entail a variety of consequences.

Step 1
To return a loved one, save their family, ward off a rival, bewitch a man, and so on, some people turn to black magicians. But there are those who prefer to do everything on their own and as quickly as possible. Some experts in the field of black magic immediately honestly warn their clients that a love spell is a sin. By bewitching another person, people forcibly suppress his own will. It is believed that the customer of the ritual and his blood relatives will have to pay with their fate for such actions. This is how generic curses are obtained. It is curious that even this does not stop especially desperate people!
Step 2
It is worth noting that among all existing love spells there are both the most dangerous and practically do not cause any harm. The most dangerous rituals are love spells on human blood, and the least dangerous are love spells on candles. If a person is driven exclusively by love, then the least dangerous ritual is chosen, for example, a love spell on candles. Of course, such love spells, unlike love spells on blood, do not always have such a pronounced effect, but they are also effective. Moreover, love spells on candles do not entail such serious consequences, and they are easy to perform on your own at home.
Step 3
The most popular ritual among independent love spells on candles is the ritual called "Together forever." You need to perform it only on the growing moon. You need to take two thin wax candles and twist them together towards midnight. Twisting the candles, you need to say: "As these candles are twisted together, so our destinies (name) will twist together." The resulting candle must be lit and said: "I am not lighting a candle, but your soul and your heart (name) after me (your name) forever." Do not forget that this ritual is performed all alone and with loose hair (for girls). Love spell must be done for 9 days in a row.
Step 4
The next love spell is aimed at harmonizing your relationship with your loved one. To do this, you need to take a red candle, cut it into two halves. From the inside, on each half with a toothpick, you need to write two names: yours and your loved one. With the flame of another candle, it is necessary to melt the inner sides of these halves, connecting them together. During the love spell, the following words are spoken: "Our hearts will unite in the same way as these halves." The candle should be placed where it will often be seen. After a month, you need to burn it by sending your desire into the Universe.
Step 5
The so-called English love spell on candles will help to attract the attention of your beloved. You need to take a sheet of paper, red and white candles, cat hair. On one side of the sheet, you write your name, and on the other, the name of the person being bewitched. The cat's hair is placed on the sheet, after which the paper is folded in four and lit simultaneously from the flame of both candles. While the leaf is burning, it is necessary to say: “As the flame of these candles burns, so the heart (name) will burn with love for me (your name). I light the leaf - I draw all thoughts (name) to myself."