Children can sneeze for a variety of reasons. Some of them are quite natural. Others are associated with colds and allergic reactions. Newborns often sneeze due to an under-formed Eustachian tube.

Step 1
Sneezing is a protective reflex, when dust, dirt or mucus is removed from the nasopharynx due to a sharp exhalation. At the moment of a sneeze, the speed of air exhaled through the nose in an average person can reach 120 meters per second, while mucus particles can be carried over a distance of several meters.
Step 2
Children, like adults, sneeze for a variety of reasons - with a cold, severe dustiness in the room, exposure to irritating substances (for example, black pepper dust) on the nasopharynx, etc.
Step 3
Newborns can sneeze for other reasons. Pediatricians believe that sneezing of newborns is associated with the need to remove mucus from the nasopharynx that has accumulated there during gestation. If a newborn sneezes during feeding, this is due to the fact that his Eustachian tube, the canal that connects the pharynx to the middle ear, has not yet fully formed.
Step 4
Usually, a child's sneezing is associated with sharp fluctuations in ambient temperature (especially in the case of drafts), too dry or too humid indoor air, viral respiratory infections and colds, as well as allergic reactions to pet hair, pollen, etc. … Some children may sneeze when looking at the sun.
Step 5
If your baby rarely sneezes, you probably shouldn't worry about it. Sneezing allows him to clear his airways. In addition, small children cannot blow their nose on their own and, with the help of sneezing, remove accumulated mucus from the nasopharynx.
Step 6
Sometimes sneezing is the first sign of a cold. This is usually accompanied by a runny nose, fever, and other symptoms. In this case, the child's condition can be improved with the help of inhalations. To do this, just put chamomile, eucalyptus or mint leaves in a saucepan and pour boiling water over them. Let your child breathe in the steam rising from the pot. In addition, you can use special inhalers through which you need to inhale steam with essential oils through your nose, which are used in the treatment of colds.
Step 7
To save the baby from sneezing, if it is not associated with an infection, you need to periodically ventilate the room, carry out wet cleaning, often walk with him on the street and give vitamins.
Step 8
In case of a cold, it is recommended to rinse the child's nose with saline and use the vasoconstrictor drugs recommended by the pediatrician.