How To Prepare A Child For The Exam

How To Prepare A Child For The Exam
How To Prepare A Child For The Exam

When preparing a child for the exam, you need to pay attention to many points so that the final exams are painless.

How to prepare a child for the exam
How to prepare a child for the exam

1. The level of preparation of the child.

Several meetings with teachers of the subjects that the graduate will take should give an objective picture. Check out the current grades, look at the work and control notebooks. Listen to the recommendations of the educators. This will help determine the level of knowledge of the son or daughter and jointly choose the appropriate university or college.

2. The question of tutoring.

Of course, as long as the family can afford it, one-on-one lessons will not hurt. However, it must be remembered that the school also provides additional classes in examination subjects, in which diligent students can improve their level of knowledge quite qualitatively.

3. Motivation to study.

Youth is a time of fun and thirst for life. It is extremely difficult to sit for textbooks during this period (remember yourself … twenty years ago). However, the mission of the parents is to explain to the child in a friendly but intelligible way that his future is being laid right now: a successful career, which means a worthy and interesting life.

What are we renting?

If after school a graduate is going to go to a university, then in addition to the compulsory subjects (Russian and mathematics), he will have to choose at least one more. Which one should be clarified at the faculty where you plan to apply.

Attention: replacement (or addition) of an item is possible only until March 1 of the current year.

By the way, in many universities, prospective applicants are advised to have on hand the results of not one, but two or even three subjects. This advice is worth using: the child's chances of admission will increase and the list of universities available to him will expand.

Psychological training.

The harsh conditions for the USE unsettle even the most mentally stable children. Since many schools do not have a psychologist, parents need to prepare their child for the test themselves. Explain to the child that the exam is, of course, a serious event, but if he has been studying all year, he will certainly cope with the tests.

Give your child important advice: while completing assignments, do not "get stuck" on those tasks that do not work out. Let him move on to others, and come back to difficult ones later, if time remains. A breathing exercise will help to reduce nervous tension on the exam: a deep breath through the nose, holding the breath for 5 seconds, and a slow full exhalation through the mouth. And so 7-10 times. Let the child take it into service.
