How To Do Lessons With A Child Without Nerves

How To Do Lessons With A Child Without Nerves
How To Do Lessons With A Child Without Nerves

The school educational program is not only work with the teacher in the classroom, but also the independent completion of assignments at home. The key to successful learning at home: do homework with a child without nerves.

Do homework with your child
Do homework with your child

There are no special secrets about how to do homework with a child without nerves. One of the basic components of psychological comfort for both the child and the parents while doing homework: a calm atmosphere. Turn off the TV, and move the tablet and other toys out of your child's field of vision to avoid distractions.

Do not help your child do homework between meals or cooking. First, complete all the necessary chores around the house, have dinner or rest for 30 minutes after a hard day.

Whatever the financial condition of the family, make sure that the child has his own work corner for lessons. Check if the lamp light is falling correctly (it should fall from the left), whether the working chair is comfortable for the child, etc.

Psychologists advise not to hang over the child during lessons, such a position exerts psychological pressure: remember yourself, because you do not like when the figure of a boss or someone who is an authority hangs over you? It is better to sit next to your child, as a partner.


Doing homework with your child does not mean doing everything for him. Let the student figure out the task for himself and come to the right decision through reflection. Avoid harsh phrases: “Don't you get it? It's so simple!”,“Why are you writing so clumsily ?!”,“Sit up straight, do not bend over!” etc. With your remarks, you only distract the child and instill an unconscious aversion to learning.

If you want to help - push the child to the right ideas, write down the algorithm of the problem together. Younger schoolchildren have not yet completely moved away from play as a leading activity. Turn lessons into play. Let the puzzles come to life with the help of dolls, vegetables, fruits, etc.

Do not force your child to do their homework if they are tired. Children's fingers have just begun to get used to writing. Refresh the process with fun finger gymnastics.


If you need to learn a large poem, break it down into small quatrains and instruct your child to read each line in a different way: sad, fun, shouting, whispering, etc. You can add an element of harmless argument to a boring task: "I bet I can tell this poem faster?" and at the most crucial moment go astray: "Oh, I forgot (a), how is there next?" The child will try to help you and learn the verse himself without much effort.

You can also do lessons with your child without nerves using the game "School". Let the child play the role of a teacher and explain to you, the student, how to write a particular word or solve a math problem.
