It is human nature to seek meaning in everything, and dreams are no exception. The dream about cigarettes has several interpretations - it depends on who exactly holds them in their hands, how they look, as well as the environment in which this situation occurs.

If a person saw in a dream not a single cigarette, but a whole pack, this portends a meeting with old friends. Perhaps it will be a ceremonial anniversary on the occasion of graduation or casual gatherings in a bar. Moreover, the more cigarettes are in the pack, the more successful the meeting will be and the more joy the dreamer will receive from it.
When a sleeping person sees a smoking cigarette in his hands and periodically puts it to his mouth, this means that no troubles and illnesses are foreseen on his horizon. It is important that in a dream he experiences pleasant sensations. Sore throat, cough, watery eyes, on the contrary, portend a streak of bad luck and exacerbation of chronic diseases. The accompanying nervous tension can be embodied in reality.
The absence of cigarettes in the presence of a great desire to smoke means non-fulfillment of the dream, as a result of which the dreamer can become overwhelmed by melancholy or even depression. It is necessary to set feasible desires for yourself or be able to give them up in time, without making them the goal of your whole life.
If a non-smoker saw smoking cigarettes in a dream, this means that he decided to fulfill his forbidden desires, which he had previously had to give up for reasons of conscience or other moral reasons. The fall of the barrier on the way to vice may not bring the satisfaction that the dreamer expects, so it would be wise to think about giving up such a desire. A dream with lighting a pipe has a similar interpretation, in which case the planned actions may be accompanied by danger.
If the cigarette is completely smoked and burns your lips, this symbolizes betrayal in real life. Cheating always hurts, so in a dream a sleeping person experiences unpleasant physical sensations. In the event that a filter remains from the cigarette, sleep can be interpreted as a subconscious desire to quit an addiction, as the body begins to feel health problems.
When, in the process of smoking, the smoke emanating from the cigarette forms regular rings, this promises the dreamer a monetary profit, and the sleeper will deserve it thanks to his talents and efficiency. You should not wait for inheritance and other benefits from the outside - you need to use your imagination and get income from a new source. If the cigarette smoke goes out the window, then such a dream has the opposite meaning: the money received will be dispersed and the dreamer will be left with an empty wallet.