How Odors Affect Mood And Well-being

How Odors Affect Mood And Well-being
How Odors Affect Mood And Well-being

Smells surround a person everywhere and carry information about the outside world. Even in ancient times, people noticed the power of fragrances and their effect on people. Smells affect mood and well-being and create a certain atmosphere.

How odors affect mood and well-being
How odors affect mood and well-being

Smells in a person's life

The olfactory organ (nose) is capable of recognizing about 4 thousand different smells, and a very sensitive nose - up to 10 thousand. A special signal is sent to the brain about each smell. Thanks to this, a person can determine in a couple of seconds what kind of dish is being prepared for dinner, smell the blossoming flowers, or recognize his favorite perfume.

Do not underestimate the importance of smells, as a well-developed sense of smell can save a person's life. In particular, this applies to "odors-hazards" (smell of gas, smoke, gasoline, stale food).

Smells and health

Smells have a significant impact on people's well-being. Aromatherapy, using the healing properties of essential oils, helps in the treatment of various diseases and relieves the course of the disease. The aromas of lemon, ginger and eucalyptus have been proven to reduce fatigue and increase performance.

The scent of rosemary stimulates memory, while the aromas of lavender, orange, rose and sandalwood help fight stress and depression.

You can strengthen your immune system and cure a cold by inhaling the aromas of eucalyptus, chamomile or rose hips essential oils.

Ylang-ylang oil will soothe and help get rid of insomnia. It is enough to put two to three drops of oil on a pillow or sachet.

Bathing and massage with essential oils is very helpful. The main thing is to observe the dosage and take into account the possibility of allergic reactions.

Mood scents

Smells can influence a person's mood and help create the right atmosphere. To reinforce a good mood, people try to surround themselves with pleasant smells. It's no secret that the aromas of a blooming spring garden soothe and evoke lyrical thoughts, and the smell of fresh baked goods creates a feeling of home comfort.

There is a theory about smell-associations. Events taking place in a person's life are accompanied by certain smells. This is deposited in the subconscious, and in the future, a specific scent is associated with a specific event or emotions associated with it. For example, a serious quarrel with a loved one took place in a garden where lilacs were blooming. Since then, the scent of lilac has evoked unpleasant memories. Or the opposite example: the familiar scent of perfume reminds of a loved one, and the aroma of vanilla reminds of delicious muffins that mom bakes.

You can improve the mood and create the appropriate atmosphere with pleasantly smelling flowers or aromatic oils. The scents of orange, lavender, rose, sandalwood and rosemary are great for this.

There are special scent marketing technologies. For example, large shopping centers use the smell of pine needles and tangerines to increase sales in the pre-New Year period. Profits in cafes and restaurants are boosted by the spread of baked goods, vanilla and coffee.
