Intestinal stagnation in a small child can occur for many reasons - from a lack of fluid in his body to the presence of various diseases. In this case, it is important to correctly establish the cause of constipation and take timely measures to eliminate it.

Step 1
The presence of constipation in a child can be determined, first of all, by the consistency of his stool. If the feces look like sheep feces or lumpy sausage, often mixed with blood, this clearly indicates stagnation in the intestines. Also, the frequency of the act of defecation by the baby is also important - delays of 1-2 days also usually indicate that he suffers from constipation. If during this process the child is anxious, pushing, crying and grunting, it is possible that this is also due to intestinal congestion. Although it is impossible to focus solely on his behavior, since this is normal for a small child, because his intestinal functions are just forming, and only strenuous attempts to defecate should not give cause for concern.
Step 2
There are many reasons that can cause intestinal congestion in a young child. Constipation can provoke a lack of fluid in the body, abuse by the mother during lactation of foods that cause the above problems, and taking medications. If your baby does not have enough milk, it can also cause constipation. The situation can become significantly more complicated when it is transferred to artificial nutrition. Intestinal stagnation can cause various diseases.
Step 3
Therefore, if you have ruled out and eliminated all the visible reasons for this phenomenon, that is, you have adjusted your nutrition and the baby's drinking regime, found the most suitable milk formula, and the child continues to suffer, you need to show it to a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist and neurologist. If serious pathologies and diseases are found, it is necessary to treat the underlying ailment, and only then the constipation itself.
Step 4
Try to use laxatives and other medicines as a last resort, and only after consulting your doctor. The fact is that all such drugs weaken the natural reflex of bowel emptying, reduce the absorption of nutrients such as potassium, vitamins, proteins and trace elements. Therefore, to begin with, try putting your baby on his tummy more often and massage him. It is useful to press the legs to the stomach and imitate the movement of a bicycle with them.
Step 5
If these measures do not help, you can lightly move your finger around the baby's anus or insert a cotton swab smeared with glycerin. Buy a special gas tube at the pharmacy and, after having lubricated it with glycerin, carefully insert it into the anus. As a rule, these measures are sufficient for a successful bowel movement. If the baby continues to suffer from constipation, talk to the local pediatrician, he will advise any drug or recommend doing a micro enema.