Cheating is not always perceived by the cheating partner as meanness and deception. The reasoning begins that feelings are not involved, it was a mistake, once it does not count, and so on. But as ingenious and persuasive as these excuses are, they do not change the essence. How can you convince yourself that any betrayal is meanness?

Step 1
Follow the logic. The beginning of any relationship, let alone marriage, is a kind of promise of fidelity. Modern society has many social contracts and traditions at its disposal, and one of them is the promise of partners, albeit often unspoken, for monogamous relationships. Therefore, a girl or boyfriend, husband or wife expects the unconditional fulfillment of this rule: there should be only one partner. Moreover, the marriage system in some countries can severely punish treason - with imprisonment of liberty, property and money in favor of the other partner. The other is permissible only in an open relationship or in the absence of such.
Step 2
Put yourself in your partner's shoes. Imagine that it was not you who cheated, but you. If you take infidelity with ease, it is worth considering whether you really need a marriage or a serious relationship. It is probably worth breaking such an alliance. But in most cases, such an imaginary situation gives off inner pain and indignation for the cheater. Therefore, it becomes easier to understand why cheating is considered mean.
Step 3
Remember that any serious secret in a relationship harms both partners and the relationship in general. The mystery associated with deception or silence will surely come true someday. If you respect and love your partner, it is better to confess everything at once and come together to decide whether to continue the relationship. If you try to forget everything, stay with the person you cheated on and justify yourself in your own eyes, then sooner or later a scandal will break out. And it will be connected not only with the fact that you have changed, but also with the fact that you were silent about everything. And this is even more vile.
Step 4
Don't be fooled by yourself or your partner. When one of the partners cheats, it becomes a one-time deception, but if he hides the betrayal, then the deception becomes permanent. It is impossible to build a full-fledged relationship in deception, it will not be comfortable for you or your partner. You can spend a lot of time with one person, but end up with nothing. Decide honestly for yourself whether you want to stay with your partner, or if you would rather leave him and build a new relationship with the other person. Otherwise, your behavior can be regarded as meanness.
Step 5
Make the right decision for yourself. Cheating is, in most cases, weakness. The desire for the forbidden, a little alcohol, a quarrel with a partner - and now a platform for treason is ready. It is human nature to succumb to weakness. But only the strong can admit his weakness, understand that he was wrong and honestly admit this to his partner. It takes a lot of courage to do such an act, and only it can be appreciated. Silence, pity and justification are meanness and the lot of the weak in character.