For many parents, joint trips with a child to the store cause real horror, and this is all because most kids simply do not know how to behave normally in such places. It is very difficult to cope with the temptation to take everything that you want so much from the shelves, and parents, of course, cannot afford to buy everything they want for their child. There is a conflict, which in most cases is accompanied by childish hysteria. Because of this, parents try to visit stores alone so that everything is calm and does not have to blush in front of other visitors. However, one cannot turn a blind eye to this problem, it must be solved.

Step 1
First, you need to understand why the child behaves this way. There can be a lot of reasons.
For example, often parents choose this or that product for a very long time, and at this time their child stands at the window, on which there is so much that he wants, of course, he will not willingly begin to ask for something.
Step 2
Prolonged conversations between parents in a store with an acquaintance accidentally met also free up a lot of time for the child, during which he stares at beautiful windows.
Step 3
If a kid sees an interesting product in the hands of a child, he immediately wants the same for himself and begins to demand it.
Step 4
If you need to buy a gift for a friend for a holiday, then the child wants to get something too.
Step 5
Naturally, these are far from all situations in which a child may have a hysteria, since he will begin to actively demand this or that product from his parents, but the data are considered the most common.
Step 6
Many moms and dads during such periods try to negotiate with the child so that everything goes peacefully. They promise the kid that they will definitely buy him a toy, but only later, when, for example, he will behave well at a party, in kindergarten, etc. Naturally, the child immediately begins to obey, because he was promised a good prize for his obedience, but only the parents forget about the promised very quickly. The child begins to get used to the fact that mom and dad do not fulfill their promises and will never again believe that they can give him something for good behavior, which means he will behave as he pleases. Therefore, you need to learn either not to promise anything at all, or to do what was said.
Step 7
Also, you cannot call a child in a quarrel selfish, capricious, compare with someone, etc. This offends the baby very much, and such an offense can settle in the heart for a long time.
Step 8
Children are good manipulators. Tears and tantrums are just an excuse to achieve what you want, and if once he succeeded, then he will use this method over and over again. Therefore, it is so important for parents to be able to stand their ground.
Step 9
Before going to the store, you need to have a serious conversation with your child, tell you how to behave correctly, why you should not indulge in, etc. If suddenly the child starts to demand something in the store again, then you just need to take him out of this store and head home without further ado. It makes no sense for a kid in a hysterical state to try to explain something, he still will not perceive the words as they should.
Step 10
When the child realizes that as soon as he starts to behave badly, the shopping is over, he will begin to hold back, and the tantrums will subside.