In order for a child to grow up as a happy person, it is necessary to provide him with the right atmosphere in the family. It is such people who manage to achieve a lot in life, it is pleasant to communicate with them, they are appreciated by others. Happy children never suffer from low self-esteem, they always have good relationships with their parents. However, not all parents manage to raise a self-sufficient child. How can this be done?

Step 1
First of all, it is important how mom and dad relate to the birth of a child. Of course, the baby literally becomes the center of the universe for its parents, especially for the mother, since most often it is she who spends more time with the child, and many mothers give up absolutely all their hobbies in order to take care of the baby. It seems to them that such sacrifices are justified and that later the child will certainly be grateful for it. But in fact, this is absolutely impossible to do. A woman who gives all her time to a child and forgets about her own desires, after a while begins to blame her baby for the fact that she could not be realized in other areas and did not become who she wanted. The child feels such dissatisfaction from his mother, this puts a lot of pressure on him and prevents him from being happy.
Step 2
You don't have to try to be the perfect mom, in the end it’s impossible. This will only take away a lot of strength and make you experience constant stress. A woman will compare herself with others, and she will focus on her shortcomings. With a disgruntled and eternally stressed mother, the child cannot be happy.
Step 3
Raising a child is a special work for which it is worth preparing, so that at crucial moments you do not break down on the child and do not make him to blame for all the failures. The art of being a parent is about finding common ground with your child.
Step 4
No matter how old the child is, you always need to listen to him. Thus, respect for the attitude towards the baby is expressed, and it is necessary for the child to feel like a full-fledged person.
Step 5
The child should not be pressured, he should always have the right to choose, which should be respected and accepted, no matter how difficult it may be. In the end, the child must live his life with his own mistakes, this will not make him unhappy.
Step 6
Mom should be mom first and foremost. She is neither friend nor buddy. Mom is much more and she should have parental authority that the child will feel and will not challenge.