If with each new generation the life of children is getting better, then of all the children who have ever lived, modern children are the happiest. But the facts do not support this. That is why the question of how to make a child happy is as relevant as before. It's easier to think about this when the child is small. Growing up, he himself forms his own concepts of happiness. Is it possible to make a child happy if he is no longer a baby?

Step 1
Become friends with your child. One of the main ways to do this is to set aside time for honest and honest communication. For parents, this means sacrificing something in response to the child's need for conversation; if a person neglects proper nutrition, he will not receive gratitude from the stomach. Would explaining the lack of time for food sound like a valid excuse? Unlikely. So it is with correct communication. When the child becomes withdrawn and withdrawn, can you justify the missed opportunities? The child needs to be sure that, if necessary, parents will always be there, like reliable friends. Therefore, be approachable and understanding. Let the child see that it is pleasant for you to communicate with him, then it will fill him and you with happiness.
Step 2
Educate your child consistently and regularly. Instill a positive and grateful mindset in your child. By learning to appreciate, the child will be immune to the qualities that eat away at happiness, such as envy and greed.
In addition, it is necessary to educate the will and character in the child. A happy child will not be dependent on the majority's ratings. He will have his own values and beliefs. His goals and the ability to achieve them will bring deep satisfaction.
Don't underestimate the value of parenting advice. If it was necessary when children were learning to tie their shoelaces, then it is especially important in their teenage years - when teenagers are already thinking about their happiness.
If there is no advice, then the child can become a stranger in the house. And that certainly won't make him happy.
Step 3
Have fun together. Happiness, as you know, is an inner feeling of deep satisfaction. And children experience special happiness when they rejoice and laugh. When planning entertainment, choose not just wholesome types of recreation, but try to make the child see your joy as well.
Remember your childhood. What made you happy? One woman said that everyone in their family loved to ride bicycles together. And one man, recalling his childhood, told how he read the story "The Fantasies" with his father. Laughter from the heart that evening he remembered for many years.
According to a recent study, teenagers are three times more likely than their parents to complain about the fact that parents and children do not spend enough time together. They need you more than you think.
Step 4
Assure in love. Few things make children more frustrated than feeling that their dad or mom doesn't love them. And according to the Toronto Star newspaper, an interesting study was conducted, during which it was concluded that the level of stress hormones rises several times in those children who are not hugged, caressed or stroked. Do you think feeling unnecessary will make a child happy? It is important for parents to behave in such a way that their children do not doubt the constancy of parental love. The constant realization that it must be earned or that it will disappear at any moment, if the child does something wrong, will make him rather unhappy.