The ability to coherently express one's thoughts distinguishes Homo sapiens from the rest of the animal world. The so-called "Mowgli" - children raised by animals, never learned to speak and did not become members of society.

Step 1
The child gets the first experience of socialization, naturally, in the family. Through the sounds of lullabies, the baby first gets acquainted with his native language. It is important for parents to pay attention to this particular stage of development, since the basic skills of a person, including speech, are laid down at the age of one year. The first thing to do at this age is to constantly communicate with the child. Each action should be accompanied by a conversation, and let it be more of a monologue until a certain time, but the child begins to understand the words of his native language.
Step 2
The second thing that needs to be done at this age is the so-called "finger games". Massaging the baby's fingers while playing will not only entertain him, but also stimulate the development of speech centers. It is necessary to pay attention to the development of fine motor skills throughout the entire period of formation of speech skills. After the baby learns to occupy himself for a short time, and this may be already at the age of one, it is necessary to give him toys from various materials in order to diversify the tactile sensations. From the age of three years, fine motor skills can be developed with the help of modeling from plasticine, collecting simple puzzles and various kinds of mosaics.
Step 3
Throughout infancy, while the child is not yet able to perceive complex story tales, he needs to be introduced to nursery rhymes and counting rhymes that are accessible to him. At the age of one year, the rhymes of Agnia Barto will become ideal reading - they talk about things and situations that are understandable to the baby. It is good to accompany reading children's books with a joint viewing of pictures - of course, illustrations should be bright and clear. Viewing pictures is accompanied by a conversation: "and who is this?", "How does the goby speak?", "Where is the goby's tail?" As a child grows up, the content of books will become more complicated, illustrations will no longer play the most important role. At the age of 3-4, you can already ask the child to retell the story they have read. You can turn the retelling into a game - "read" a book to dolls.
Step 4
The child's speech should be developed in everyday life. When cleaning, preparing food, while walking, the child should be named all the objects used, demonstrate how to use this or that object, accompanied by explanations. On a walk, the child sees many new things. When you see a bird, you can ask him to remember a book about a bird (if you have read one), you can ask him to tell about the oncoming dog, to fantasize, for example, where it is going. Any event should be discussed, encouraging the child to compose stories on their own.