When the wedding march sounds, it seems to the newlyweds that happiness will always be there, that they will maintain love and fidelity for life. The very thought of a possible betrayal at such moments would certainly have seemed ridiculous, even blasphemous to them. Alas, not a single married couple is immune from this sad event. Cheating is somewhat akin to illness: it can be caused by many causes, and it is just as easier to prevent than to try to correct the consequences later.

Step 1
Don't be too demanding of your partner and too lenient with yourself. Remember, there are no perfect people. If your partner has flaws, then you probably have them too. Be condescending and patient, and make reasonable compromises. Learn to see in your partner, first of all, the good, not the bad. Then one of the reasons pushing for treason will almost certainly disappear: the thought that you made the wrong choice, that your half is not at all ideal.
Step 2
Be very honest with each other. Of course, spouses can have their own personal space, but there should be no omissions that threaten the strength of the family. If something categorically does not suit you, causes dissatisfaction, discomfort - do not be silent, do not accumulate irritation, say it directly (but, of course, politely), ask your partner to think about your words.
Step 3
Don't let anyone interfere with your family life. Alas, the situation is not uncommon: relatives or close friends, acting (as it seems to them) with the best intentions, literally bring one of the spouses to the point that he is looking for consolation on the side. Immediately make it a rule that the husband and wife solve their problems themselves.
Step 4
Create a warm, cozy, welcoming environment in your home. Then both husband and wife will want to return there as soon as possible after work. At the same time, do not turn into couch potatoes, do not lock yourself in four walls. When spouses constantly call out to each other, this does not contribute to the strength of family ties.
Step 5
Do not hesitate to show looseness, fantasy in your intimate life. If necessary, see a sex therapist or read books on sex techniques. After all, a lot of betrayals have taken place, and continues to happen, precisely because of the sexual dissatisfaction of the spouses. Try to eliminate this cause.
Step 6
Always remember that when you get married, you have voluntarily assumed serious obligations - not only to your partner, but also to your future children. Man is not an animal; he is guided not only by instincts, but also by considerations of honor and duty.