The first walk with an infant is recommended no earlier than the second week of life. Its duration should be no more than 15 minutes. It is important that the baby is properly dressed, and the mother takes the essentials with her - diapers, wet wipes and water.

When to start your first walks
Experts recommend starting walks with a crumb from the second week of his life. Regardless of the season, the duration of the first time you go outside should be no more than 15 minutes. Every day, the time spent in the fresh air should gradually increase until it reaches two to three hours - depending on the capabilities of the mother and the weather conditions. It should be noted that during the colder months, special attention should be paid to the clothing of the newborn. Since its thermoregulatory capacity is not yet developed, it is very important to avoid overheating or hypothermia. At air temperatures below 10-12 degrees, pediatricians recommend postponing the first walks with the baby for a while.
How to dress your baby properly
So that the child does not sweat before going out, you should adhere to a simple rule: first, the mother gets dressed, then the baby. It should be remembered that in no case should a newborn be wrapped up unnecessarily, because overheating for him can be more dangerous than freezing.
In the summer, light cotton bodysuits are an excellent option. This is a universal thing that is as easy to use as possible. It provides open access to the arms and legs, and also pleases parents with convenient clasps between the legs, which are ideal for a quick diaper change. An obligatory attribute is a light cap, preferably with ties, which will protect the head of the crumbs from overheating.
In winter, overalls or envelopes with sheep's wool are suitable. It is advisable to wear a T-shirt with a sweater under the bottom. The main thing is that the baby has the ability to move, and his face remains open. Particular attention must be paid to keep the arms and legs of the crumbs warm. Thornless mittens and socks are suitable for this.
What to take with you for a walk
In the summer, for a walk with a newborn, you need to take a few diapers and wet wipes, since, most likely, the mother will have to change the baby's clothes. If the baby is bottle-fed, you must grab a bottle with the formula to feed the baby if necessary. Also, do not forget about water, this will require a separate bottle. In winter, food and water should be transported in a special thermos, but it is recommended to use them only in emergency situations under favorable weather conditions.
Where to go for a walk
In the first days of life, walks with a newborn, as a rule, take place in the yard or close to the house. After a few weeks, you can plan your first trip over longer distances. A great place will be a park where the kid can enjoy the fresh air. Avoid noisy areas and other crowded places. At this age, the baby needs peace, since during a walk he most often sleeps.