With a newborn baby, you need to walk from the second week of life. To prevent the walk from going to the detriment of the child, you must follow simple rules.

1. You can walk with your baby if the air temperature is not lower than -10 and not higher than +30 degrees.
2. Feed your baby 10 minutes before walking.
3. The first walk should be 3-5 minutes. The second is 10-15 minutes. Each subsequent walk should be 5 minutes longer than the previous one
4. With children under 3 months old, you should walk 2-3 times a day, with babies older than 3 months - 3-4 times a day.
5. Before going out, dress yourself first, and then dress your child. The child will not sweat or catch a cold on the street.
6. Don't dress your child too warmly. During the walk, make sure that the child does not sweat or freeze. If this happens, return home immediately.
7. Dress the child in layers so that if necessary, you can remove something from the clothes.
Walking will benefit your little one, as well as improve sleep and appetite. Just choose for walks not polluted places with green spaces and away from roads.