The third obstetric week of pregnancy is the first in the life of the unborn child. The embryo does not yet look like a person, it can only be viewed through a microscope, so even an ultrasound machine will hardly help determine the presence of pregnancy.

After the fusion of the egg and sperm, a zygote is formed, from which billions of fetal cells will develop. She begins to divide and move through the fallopian tubes to the uterus.
On the third day of conception, the ovum consists of 16 cells, and after another 2 days - of 250. After 6-8 days, the blood vessels of the ovum sprout into the lining of the uterus, which will provide food for the unborn baby.
Some women feel the implantation as a tingling sensation in the area of the uterus. In addition, at this moment, you can notice small bloody discharge on your underwear - implantation bleeding. At 3 weeks, other symptoms of pregnancy appear: fatigue, breast swelling, nausea, and frequent urination.
In the first days after the onset of pregnancy, the body produces the early pregnancy factor EPF, which avoids the attack of the woman's immune system on a foreign body with a different gene structure. However, implantation may not take place due to hormonal disorders or harmful effects on the mother's body. In this case, menstruation will start again after a week.
In the third week of pregnancy, you should not take x-rays, take strong medications, give up bad habits, eat right and get more rest.
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