In early autumn, the selection of fruits and berries is striking in abundance. Habitual and exotic fruits, watermelons, melons and, of course, grapes beckon with an abundance of vitamins and flavors. Perhaps it is difficult to find someone who would be indifferent to grapes. Caring young mothers and fathers are often interested in the question of the benefits of grapes for children. At the same time, one should not forget that grapes are classified as hard-to-digest foods, therefore, it should be introduced into the baby's diet with caution.

Royal berry grapes
Grapes are a valuable source of energy. Its rich composition and pleasant taste make it a royal berry. In many countries, grape treatment is practiced, because since ancient times, its cleansing properties and the ability to eliminate toxins have been known. These pearl fruits contain a sufficient amount of vitamin C, B vitamins, as well as calcium, magnesium, potassium, manganese, glucose and organic acids. All this is simply necessary for young children for good development and growth.
The grapes are very healthy and tasty. But its use in early childhood can be harmful to health. Grapes are allergenic foods. They should be given with great care to children prone to allergic reactions. In addition, grapes are high in glucose and can be bad for teeth. It can also cause intestinal fermentation and digestive problems, especially when combined with milk or soda.
Acquaintance of the child with grapes
Grapes, like any complementary food, must be gradually introduced into the baby's diet and carefully monitor the slightest reactions of the body. There is no consensus at what age it is better to introduce a child to this valuable berry. But it is clear that this should not be done until a year. Pediatricians advise starting to feed the kids grapes when they turn two years old. But if a one-year-old baby has everything in order with digestion, he can consume grapes in small quantities.
For the first time, 2–5 berries are enough. If no side effects are observed, the dose can be gradually increased, but without fanaticism. When feeding grape berries to a child, it is necessary to peel them from seeds and skins. The baby's digestive system is still weak and can only cope with the soft part of the juicy berry. For a child, it is better to choose sweet and ripe grapes. Sour fruits may disappoint him and not like him, and immature ones will lead to intestinal disorders.
Contraindications for the use of grapes are stomach and intestinal problems, kidney failure and diabetes mellitus. In other cases, the competent introduction of grapes into the child's diet will serve as an excellent source of nutrients and organic compounds. In addition, it is a great treat for a toddler.
There are no strict rules for the introduction of this or that complementary food, everything is individual and depends on the development of the baby. Therefore, the introduction of fruits and berries into the child's diet should be started with caution, carefully observing the reaction of the body.