In a woman's life, situations sometimes arise when it is necessary to distinguish an ectopic pregnancy (a condition that threatens not only health, but also life) from ordinary ailments that may be symptoms of certain diseases. It is important to do this in a timely manner because in the case of an ectopic pregnancy, there is only one way to save a woman's life - immediate surgery.

Step 1
The very first signs do not allow you to distinguish an ectopic pregnancy from a normal one that develops in the uterus. The symptoms that a woman will experience will be the same as with the development of a traditional pregnancy. A pregnant woman can feel engorgement of the mammary glands and genitals, slight weight gain, nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, irritability - all those signs that are associated in a woman's mind with the normal process of waiting for a child.
Step 2
In an ectopic pregnancy, a fertilized and dividing egg does not have time to pass the fallopian tube and enter the uterus before the implantation period, so it can penetrate into the mucous membrane of the fallopian tube. With the development of pregnancy, a tube rupture will necessarily occur, which is accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen, nausea and rapidly emerging signs of internal bleeding.
Step 3
Often there may be a feeling of heaviness in the small pelvis and pressure on the rectum, which can be explained by the fact that the blood poured into the abdominal cavity accumulates at the lowest point - the fold of the peritoneum, which is located near the rectum. Sometimes bleeding from the genital tract may occur, similar to menstruation, but compared with menstrual bleeding, its intensity is less pronounced, often at the same time there are signs of internal bleeding and peritonitis, in which a complex cavity operation has to be performed.
Step 4
If there are likely signs of pregnancy, a woman who previously suffered from inflammatory diseases of the pelvis and genitals should visit a gynecologist who constantly monitors her. The doctor will be able to prescribe laboratory tests that will help establish the very fact of pregnancy and ultrasound, which allows you to determine the exact place of embryo implantation.