A child's hair is formed until the age of 14 and until that moment requires special care. It is unacceptable to use "adult" means "for washing children's heads: they are too aggressive on the baby's scalp and can cause irritation and allergic reactions. Therefore, it is worth taking care of a special shampoo for the child, preferably the best.

Industrial shampoo
When choosing a shampoo for a child, first of all pay attention to its composition. It is advisable to give preference to natural remedies that do not contain sodium laureth sulfate or polyethylene glycol and other chemical constituents. Of course, in the industrial production of shampoos, ingredients are mainly used for the production of cosmetics, including children's, but still shampoo made on the basis of soapstone root or soap nut will be healthier and more environmentally friendly. It is worth choosing a product enriched with useful extracts of medicinal plants, such as calendula, chamomile, string, wheat germ, etc.
Externally, the shampoo should be transparent. Too bright color of the product indicates the presence of synthetic dyes in it. The aroma of baby shampoo should be delicate, ideally subtle: natural ingredients cannot smell too harsh. If the product has a very pronounced odor, then it contains fragrances, which can cause allergic reactions in the baby.
It will be very nice if the bottle of baby shampoo contains the inscription "no tears" or "does not sting eyes." Babies react very violently and negatively if soap or shampoo irritates the mucous membrane of the eyes, and may even refuse to bathe.
Pay attention to the bottle in which the product is packed: it should be convenient to use, because when bathing the baby, your attention will be focused, first of all, on the child, and an uncomfortable shampoo that slips out of your hands will distract attention.
Home remedies
Recently, many have been trying to replace industrial products with natural ones, and not everyone has the opportunity to purchase eco-cosmetics. Therefore, some parents prefer to use their own "shampoos" to wash their baby's head.
This position is not devoid of meaning. Indeed, in self-made shampoos, only natural ingredients are present, which means that they will not harm the delicate children's scalp and forming hair follicles.
But not all homemade recipes are child-friendly. So, do not use acids (vinegar or lemon juice) to wash children's hair, because the pH level in children's skin is slightly higher than in adults. Various oils should also not be used: they clog the pores of the skin and disrupt the natural microenvironment on its surface. Do not use aggressive ingredients such as mustard or alcohol-containing liquids - they cause irritation.
You can wash your child's hair with bread crumb soaked in warm water, egg yolk - these products nourish the hair, make it stronger. It is also useful to use "false wash", ie, in other words, rinsing children's hair with decoctions and herbal infusions. Nettle, chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula are well suited for these purposes.
The ideal child's hair care will be a combination of industrial detergents, which nevertheless have a better detergency than “shampoos” made according to folk recipes and home remedies. So, once a week, you can use an industrial shampoo, and use folk remedies every day or every other day.