Milk is an incredibly valuable and healthy drink for baby food, it contains a huge amount of calcium. However, many parents are concerned about the time of its introduction into the baby's diet.

What pediatricians say
Most pediatric doctors unanimously state that cow's milk can be added to the list of children's foods until they reach the age of 1 year. Until that time, the main food of the baby is mother's milk, which contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals. If natural feeding is impossible, the baby is given an adapted mixture. Cow or goat milk can never be an alternative to formula.
It is necessary to introduce milk into the child's diet gradually and very carefully, carefully observing the baby's reaction to the new product. The fact is that milk protein is very allergenic and can cause various reactions of the immune system of a still immature organism.
Which milk to choose
It is recommended to feed children under three years of age with specialized products for baby food. Therefore, you should not start acquaintance with cow's milk crumbs by buying a whole unpasteurized drink. At first, give preference to a special milk intended for children. Currently, a large number of dairy producers have baby food in their assortment. When your baby is 3 years old, try offering whole milk.
Thanks to the process of pasteurization or ultra-pasteurization, milk is purified from various microbes.
Goat milk
According to popular belief, goat milk can be given to a child from the first days of life. The Russian Ministry of Health rejects this and provides other information. Goat milk contains the main protein casein. It is heavy enough for the body to absorb. Therefore, before the baby turns 2 years old, and his gastrointestinal tract does not get stronger, it is not recommended to include the drink in question in his diet.
Goat milk can lead to anemia in a baby if given at a very early age.
In addition to protein, milk contains fats. Goat's milk fats are digested much faster and easier than cow's milk fats. Therefore, it often happens that children who are allergic to cow's milk tolerate goat well.
The benefits of milk
A healthy drink contains not only calcium. Milk is also rich in magnesium, protein and vitamins A, D and group B: B2 and B12. In order for the benefits of milk to be tangible, it is necessary that the baby drinks at least 350 ml of the drink per day. Equally useful are milk derivatives: fermented baked milk, kefir, cottage cheese, natural yogurt and cheeses.