Love In The Distance

Love In The Distance
Love In The Distance

Previously, people who love each other met every day, went on dates, arranged joint walks and entertainment. Now the situation has changed a little, since such a concept as "love at a distance" has appeared in the world.

Love in the distance
Love in the distance

The possibility of a relationship between two people who are far from each other has appeared since the advent of mobile phones, computers and other means of communication. Even if there are thousands of kilometers between you, you can easily contact your loved one, write him a message on the Internet, make a phone call or establish a video connection via Skype. Imagine those distant times when none of this was. People left for other cities, wrote ordinary letters to each other, which no one writes now. Progress has gone too far and this kind of romance has become obsolete. She was replaced by SMS, calls, correspondence, pictures, songs and short poems that can be found on some Internet resources.

Love at a distance has become a fairly frequent phenomenon, since sometimes people leave to study in other cities, guys leave to serve in the army. Lovers always hope that time will pass and they can be near each other.

Social networks have become another reason for love at a distance. People from different cities get to know each other, begin to communicate. They have never seen each other, but they have already managed to fall in love not with their appearance, but with their soul. They save themselves with daily calls and correspondence, exchange photographs and wait for the moment when the distance between them will be reduced.

Some believe that such love is impossible, because one (if not both) will definitely change, because it is difficult to live without an intimate relationship. But even from a similar situation, the lovers were able to find a way out, which became virtual sex.

It doesn't matter if your significant other is nearby or not, the most important thing is that there are real feelings between you. Remember that no kilometers are afraid of love.
