Far-sighted parents begin to apply for registration of a child in kindergarten almost from the first months from the moment of his birth. This is due to the fact that currently the number of places in public preschool institutions, unfortunately, is limited.

- Application for a child's enrollment in kindergarten,
- birth certificate of a child,
- certificate of residence,
- copy of the passport
Step 1
Initially, parents need to decide in which kindergarten to place their child. Consider several options at once, as it may turn out that in the kindergarten you have chosen for the next two or three years, a queue has already been scheduled. The option with a long wait can be considered if the child is still very young.
Then visit the preschool in person and meet the principal. She will be directly related to the admission and paperwork for the enrollment of the child. Carefully familiarize yourself with the territory of the kindergarten, make sure that everything suits you to the smallest detail, and you subsequently do not want to transfer your child to another preschool institution due to previously unnoticed shortcomings on the site or in the room.
Step 2
When a decision is made, go either to the commission for recruiting public preschool educational institutions, or to the education department or other bodies authorized to accept an application for enrolling a child in a kindergarten. You can find out how it will be faster and more convenient for you to apply directly from the head of the kindergarten, from those who have recently dealt with this issue or in the education department of the district, city or district. In order for the application to be accepted, it is necessary to provide the passport of one of the parents and the birth certificate of the baby. After writing and submitting the application, you will receive a notification, which will indicate the expected date of the beginning of the child's visit to kindergarten and the name of the preschool institution where he was enrolled. After six months (if the child has not yet gone to kindergarten before this time), you may be called and invited to confirm the submitted application.
Step 3
After you are informed about the possibility of enrolling in a kindergarten, you must contact the polyclinic at your place of residence for the child to undergo a medical examination. A medical card can be issued both in the pediatrician's office and directly in the kindergarten from a nurse. Specialists who must examine the child: neuropathologist, surgeon, orthopedist, ENT, ophthalmologist, children from three years old - speech therapist, dentist. In addition, the pediatrician will write out a referral for tests. The card is signed by the head of the clinic, after which the child can be taken to kindergarten. In addition to the medical card, you must have a vaccination statement, medical insurance policy, a copy of the baby's birth certificate and copies of the parents' passports. You may also be asked to provide a certificate of residence.